Why Private GPs Choose EMIS

Why choose EMIS & Hero? There are numerous record solutions for private GPs available, but none can match the clinical robustness of EMIS, which are seamlessly combined with Hero's best-in-class communication, scheduling and financial tools.

EMIS Web For Private General Practice

If you want to deliver the highest standard of primary care, with the best tools at your fingertips you might want to look at all that EMIS has to offer. If you use EMIS for any length of time it may become your best friend, storing and presenting patient information intuitively, prompting you to take action, warning you when you are in a danger zone and providing you with all that you need to demonstrate that you are compliant. A team of private GPs who switched to EMIS a few years ago put together their thoughts on what difference EMIS makes to they way they practice.

50 Reasons Private GPs Use EMIS Web

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