To make a hubsite slot bookable online in EMIS Web, ensure you configure a Slot Type that is marked as Bookable, then add it to a session that is not hidden from patient-facing services. This setting is typically found in your Appointment Book configuration under Slot Types.
- Check slot type: In the Appointment Book module, open Slot Types and confirm “Bookable Slot” is selected. If you’re running an enhanced or hub site, verify that cross-organisation booking is enabled if required.
- Session settings: When creating or editing a session, ensure “Hide from Patient Facing Services” is not selected. If you need to manage timings, set up embargo release times.
- Visibility for patients: Once scheduled, patients can see and book that slot online, saving both administrative time and improving access for your multi-practice hubsite.
If you operate an enhanced hub, offering online booking of these slots can significantly reduce phone calls, giving administrators more time for other tasks.
Did you know? Hero Health’s Online Booking feature integrates with EMIS Web to allow patients to book in real time through your hubsite’s website. This setup streamlines admin workload and offers greater flexibility and convenience for patients.